Useful Resources

Support for Schools

Secure funding from Essex County Council!

Essex County Council (ECC) has a substantial Apprenticeship Levy pot for schools. This is available to help cover apprenticeship training costs.

Why offer apprenticeships to your employees?

Offering apprenticeships to your people can help to:

  • retain staff and tackle teacher shortages
  • enhance the quality of teaching and learning
  • inspire engagement
  • boost growth and productivity
  • attract new talent

What kind of apprenticeships are available?

From teaching assistants and site maintenance to business support functions and catering staff, there are a range of apprenticeships available. The Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education website provides more information on the types of apprenticeships on offer. There is no age limit for apprenticeship training.

What do I need to know?

Apprentices will spend 20% of their time on focussed and purposeful off-the-job training. This gives them the chance to complement on-the-job skills with subject matter knowledge and insights.

We can connect you to a relevant, experienced and trusted training provider to ensure apprentices’ learning journeys are supported every step of the way.

Get in touch

Our Schools Employer Engagement Team is here to:

  • Discuss training and development needs
  • Help you make the most of available funding
  • Support your workforce along the way

Get in touch for more information or to request a meeting:




Find out how your business can access free support for your apprenticesThe Association of Apprentices is a great place for apprentices to connect with others, get advice and access resources to support their apprenticeship, helping you to manage, support and provide a great experience for them.



If you are a CITB registered employer taking on a construction apprentice did you know you could apply for grants up to £8,500 for a 2 year apprenticeship?

To find out more contact ( South Essex) or ( North Essex)


The Essex Provider Network has been set up with the specific aim of providing a single voice for all Essex based learning and training providers including Further Education Colleges with a focus on work-based learning. There are a significant number of provider networks across the country and with changes within the sector, developments within the LEPs and an on-going large percentage of skills based funded provision being delivered by providers from outside of the region, we believe that there has never been a more important time for Essex based providers to work together collaboratively, in building a strong and sustainable network.

Click HERE for more information on the Essex Provider Network


The Essex County Council Employability and Skills team offers a range of services to support employers with:

  • recruitment
  • employee learning and development
  • offering apprenticeships (including funding)
  • promoting and filling vacancies

Click HERE for more information on the Essex Apprenticeship Hub



Federation of Small Businesses (FSB)

National web link:


Regional web link:


As experts in business, the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) offer members a wide range of vital business services including advice, financial expertise, support, and a powerful voice in government.